The end of the first quarter is already next week, November 1st! Please check out your grades before Friday at noon to see if I have everything entered and that they are correct. I make mistakes just like you and would like to catch any before Friday. 

If you think I have made a mistake please let me know in writing! 

If there is a grade that you don't like please schedule a time to meet with me to discuss why it is what it is and what we can do about it. 

I can't believe the quarter is almost over already!!!  

Miss B
10/24/2012 05:55:31 am

this is a really good thing.IT helps people and so fun because we can print and do things are self not you all the time.THANKS for this awesome website. IT also helps you to by not doing all this stuff by yourself

12/10/2012 03:18:14 am

I really like this website!!


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